Hans Kelsen Visiting Professorship for the History and Theory of International Law

The ‘Hans Kelsen Visiting Professorship for the History and Theory of International Law’ will establish an interdisciplinary forum for renowned scholars from around the world. The visiting professorship is dedicated to research in the history and theory of international law. Issues relating to the protection of minorities, collective rights in international law, the prevention and prosecution of crimes under international law, as well as the protection of cultural assets and restitution shall be addressed. It is hosted at the Institute for International Peace and Security Law directed by Professor Claus Kreß and will be funded by the Alfred Landecker Foundation over a period of more than 9 years.
The visiting professorship is named after Hans Kelsen, in memory of the eminent legal theorist and constitutional and international lawyer, who was forcibly dismissed from the service of the University of Cologne in 1933 due to his Jewish origin and his democratic convictions.
Hans Kelsen Visiting Professor 2024-2025: Eliav Lieblich

As of August 2024, the University of Cologne welcomes its inaugural Hans Kelsen Visiting Professor, the distinguished Prof. Eliav Lieblich from Tel Aviv University.
Email: Eliav Lieblich
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Universität zu Köln | Albertus-Magnus-Platz
50923 Köln
E-mail aalsheik(at)uni-koeln.de