Timo Müller
Timo Müller is a lawyer and business lawyer with law firms in Cologne and Bonn. He completed his law studies at the University of Cologne with a focus on international and European law and European law and studied commercial law in Bonn. His dissertation deals with the applicability of the prohibition of the use of force in the Charter of the United Nations for international organizations, and aims to make a contribution to international peacekeeping law. In addition to his research and work as a lawyer, he is an entrepreneur in Bonn and runs a dance and event house (Tanzhaus Bonn) and a small hotel with an event location (Villa Waldesruh). He is involved in voluntary work as a commercial judge at Bonn District Court and as a CSR ambassador for the Bonn/Rhein-Sieg Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
University of Cologne
50923 Köln
E-mail info(at)rechtsanwalt-mueller-koeln.de